Tuesday 8 February 2011

Task 2- Directors

Alfred Hitchcock was an English filmmaker and producer. He used lots of different techniques in the psychological thriller genres. Hitchcock moved to Hollywood and in 1956 he became an American citizen. He framed shots to manipulate the feelings of the audience and maximise anxiety, fear, or empathy, and used innovative film editing to demonstrate the point of view of the characters.      Many of Hitchcock's films have twisted endings and thrilling plots with genres of violence, murder, and crime. Hitchcock's films have similar themes from psychoanalysis and feature strong sexual undertones.
Dario Argento was born September 7, 1940 he is an Italian film director, producer and screenwriter. He is best known for his work in the horror film genre, particularly in the subgenre known as giallo, and for his influence on modern horror and slasher movies. Argento did not attend college, electing rather to take a job as a columnist at the newspaper Paese Sera. Argento also began to work as a screenwriter. His most notable work was for Sergio Leone; he and Bernardo Bertolucci collaborated on the story for the spaghetti western classic Once Upon a Time in the West which was released in 1969, Argento began work on his directorial debut, The Bird with the Crystal Plumage, which was released in 1970 and was a major hit in Italy.
Sean Sexton Cunningham was born on December 31, 1942 in New York City. He is an American film director, producer and writer. Sean was best known for creating the Friday the 13th series of horror films, which introduced the fictional Jason Voorhees. As well as this he produced many films of the horror genre, such as Wes Craven’s debut feature and House film series. In the 1970’s he directed; Together (1971), Case of the Full Moon Murders (1973), Manny’s Orphans (1978), Here come the Tigers (1978). In the 1980’s; Friday the 13th (1980), A Stranger Is Watching (1982), Spring Break (1978), The New Kids (1985) and Deepstar (1989). In 2000’s he has directed XCU: Extreme Close Up (2001)
Other well-known directors of this horror genre are; Brian De Palma, John Carpenter, Dario Argento, Clive Barker, Tod Browning, Jorg Buttgereit, David Cronenberg, Sean S. Cunningham, Guillermo del Toro, Ruggero Deodato.
John Carpenter, one of the best horror directors is not just that, but also a screenwriter, producer, composer and actor in 1962-1969. Carpenter made a few short horror films like "Revenge of the Colossal Beasts" (his first work), "Terror from Space", "Gorgon, the Space Monster", "Gorgo Versus Godzilla", "Warrior and the Demon" and "Sorceror from Outer Space". In 1978, he wrote screenplay and directed Halloween, his masterpiece. Jamie Lee Curtis (Laurie Strode) and Donald Pleasence (Dr. Sam Loomis) were great in this, for most horror fans, the most respectable horror film ever. Tony Moran played Michael Myers when he had 23 and Will Sandin Michael Myers like a child. After Halloween, John Carpenter directed "The Fog" in 1980. "The Thing" in 1982. "Christine" (horror about the car-killer in 1983), "Prince of Darkness" (one horror about religion in 1987.), "They Live" (famous 1988. horror), "In the Mouth of Madness" (1995), "Village of the Damned" (sci-fi horror in 1995), "Vampires" (very good horror, vampires theme from 1998.) and "Ghosts of Mars" (another science fiction horror made in 2001).
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/  http://horror.myfilmo.com/horror_directors.html

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